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We are now Tomco Insurance Agency

Feb 1, 2020

We treasure the close and trusting relationships we have with our clients, so we wanted you to be the first to know. As of this February, we have changed the name of our agency to Tomco Insurance Agency.

When we first opened our doors in 1977 as Clarence Miller Insurance, Clarence and Linda were the only employees. We have grown and evolved over the last 40+ years, and we are now represented by a team of six employees. Our new name, Tomco, is short for Tomshack & Company, a fitting reflection of how together we work as a team to fulfill your insurance needs.

Along with this name change, we are excited to unveil an updated website to help make insurance simpler for you: "TomcoAgency.com". We will also be updating our email addresses to match. To contact us, simply replace the @clarencemillerins.com in our emails with @tomcoagency.com. Emails sent to the old addresses will continue to be received for the time being, but we urge you to update your contacts as soon as possible.

We are grateful to you not only for allowing us to serve your insurance needs, but also for your loyalty and friendship. You are truly an important member of the Tomco family, and we look forward to working with you for many years to come.

With appreciation,
~The Tomco Team

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