[Please enable JavaScript.](217) 345-4363[Please enable JavaScript.]1419 Lincoln AveCharleston, IL 61920


Our Story

Tomco team

We are an independent family-owned and -operated insurance agency located in Charleston, Illinois.

Tomco Insurance Agency first opened its doors as Clarence Miller Insurance.  The agency was founded by Clarence and Linda Miller in 1977, and in January 2018, Paul and Emily Tomshack bought the agency from Emily’s parents.

When you first walk in the door, you’ll be greeted by Cindy or Penny, our Customer Service Reps. Then you will work closely with Paul Tomshack or Cary Crawford as your Insurance Agent. You might even run into our marketing coordinator, Emily, or our bookkeeper, Sharon.

Paul, Cary, Penny, and Cindy are all licensed agents, and collectively we have over 75 years of experience. Combining our insurance knowledge, family-rooted congeniality, and high standard of integrity, we are committed to giving you a great client experience.

We appreciate all our customers and are honored that you entrust us with your insurance needs.